marți, august 31


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Schimb de trafic automat

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sâmbătă, august 28


Principalele plante medicinale cu litera S

1. Salcia-se foloseste coaja. 2. Salcamul-se folosesc florile. 3. Salvia-se folosesc frunzele. 4. Sapunarita-se foloseste radacina. 5. Scaiul vanat-se foloseste planta. 6. Schinelul-se foloseste planta. 7. Socul-se foloseste floarea. 8. Sovarvul-se foloseste planta. 9. Stejarul-se foloseste coaja. 10. Sulfina-se folosesc florile. 11. Sunatoarea-se foloseste planta.


luni, august 23


Natura si bogatiile Romaniei Top66 Statistici



1 . MORCOVUL-in mare masura optimizeaza fluxul de sange spre ochi,ajutand la functionarea lui. 2. ROSIILE-contin licopina si sant pure alimente pentru inima si sange. 3. STRUGURII-un puternic aliment vitalizant pentru inima si sange. 4. NUCA-ajuta la dezvoltarea a mai mult de 3 duzini de neurotransmitatori pentru functionarea creierului. 5. FASOLEA-vindeca si ajuta la mentinerea functiilor rinichilor. 6. TELINA si legumele radacinoase aduc un aport important in fortificarea oaselor. 7. AVOCADO,VINETELE si PERELE-auta la sanatatea si functionarea burtii si cefei la femei. 8. SMOCHINELE-cresc mobilitatea spermei masculine. 9. CARTOFUL-regleaza indicele glicemiei la diabetici. 10. MASLINELE-ajuta la buna functionare si sanatatea ovarelor. 11. PORTOCALELE si citricele-sanatatea si fluxul miscarii limfatice in sani. 12. CEAPA-ajuta la curatirea deseurilor materiale din toate celulele corpului. 13. USTUROIUL-ajuta la eliminarea deseurilor materiale si radicalilor liberi din organism.

joi, august 19


I'm using webcamera software. I
can broadcast Ip video to view my home
from everywhere.

Webcam software identifies movement, sounds siren, captures images, records video, and sends captured images by email

With my new

webcam software
, I can run a broadcasting broadcast
of my site visible from the Internet. This opens up a number
of possibilities, the surface of which has not even been scratched in today's world. I can use
this webcast for surveillance purposes, allowing me to see what's going on in my room
at any time from a remote watching computer.

As long as I have the camera
running and a remote pc with Online access, I can watch the site.
With the software and the camera, I can change the settings to capture picture,
identify motion (if I don't want to keep the camera running at all times),
or use a combination of a live feed and recorded video to realize a protection
system that takes full advantage of novel know-how.

With a capture card,
I can easily move appropriate video and screenshots to use on
any computer.

With delicate data on my pc
and expensive belongings in my home,
it only makes sense to have a protection setup that I can supervise whenever I feel that my privacy
is being compromised. If I owned a small company or lived with roommates, I couldn't imagine
living without it.

Broadcasting live video and sound from capture device
through webcam computer software

Broadcasting online video and audio from capture device via webcam server software

Security application

If you find yourself with a need to record surveillance video with a camera over an area,

server software

may be the right choice for you. Using this software, it is possible to set up a
camera to detect movement and begin recording when it does.

Depending on your needs, the sights and sounds that are picked up by the webcam may be stored on a hard drive, or if the captured video
needs to be available off-site, can be broadcast using the server's streaming
function to a site.

Depending on the quality of the webcam and the viewer's video card, the picture that is recorded may be as clear as a high-definition television signal.
Using a setup like this, it is possible to provide a measure of security for an area while
the economics of the situation do not justify hiring a security firm or setting up a professional monitoring system.


do-it-yourself approach

can save money while not compromising on protection.

Web camera software detects activity, triggers
siren, captures images, records video, and sends captured images by e-mail

Webcam software senses motion, sounds siren, captures images, records video, and sends captured images by e-mail
are not bad for more than just making ip communications
more practical. They can additionally be
an very valuable tool
for use in house or company protection.


is now accessible that can identify movement and use
it as a trigger for countless actions.

The way that
it works is to study the picture sent by a webcam that is either connected via USB
or via a video capture device for motion. After it picks up
that motion, it can after that take any number of procedures,
including triggering an siren.

A more popular software, though, is to either
send live images of what is happening in the picture that is covered by the webcam
or to even broadcast through live broadcasting exactly what is
happening with both audio and picture. If installed stealthily,
this software could even be used for covert surveillance.

Given the
large quantity of systems that either have a webcam connected
or can support one, this is an perfect way to inexpensively and easily protect
the region across that computer
from intrusion or theft.


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sâmbătă, august 7

Utilizari terapeutice

1.  Rachitanul.-Intern:in ddizenterie,hemoragii gastro-intestinale sau de alta natura.Extern:sub forma de bai sau comprese,are actiune cicatrizanta in ulcere varicioase,in leucoree sub forma de irigatii vaginale.  2  Roinita.-Prin actiunea carminativa calmeaza spasmele stomacale si intestinale ce provoaca colici la copii si la adulti.Extern,sub forma de bai care ajuta la vindecarea ranilor.  3.  Rostopasca.-Intern:in afectiuni hepato-biliare,insuficienta cadiaca,angina pectorala,tumori.Extern:in tuberculoza pielii.

Principalele plante medicinale cu litera R

1.  Rachitanul.-se foloseste planta.  2.  Roinita.-se folosesc frunzele.  3.  Rostopasca.-se foloseste planta.

joi, august 5

Utilizari terapeutice

1.  Paducelul.-Intern:in angina pectorala,hipertensiune arteriala,tulburari de climacterium,tulburari neurovegetative,ateroscleroza,emotivitate excesiva si nevroze cardiace.Florile si fructele de paducel asociate cu valeriana si talpa gastei isi maresc efectul medicinal.  2.  Papadia.-Se recomanda in toate bolile unde exista un dezechilibru glandular,precum si in obezitate si gastrite hiperacide.Rezultate bune in boli de ficat,normalizeaza circulatia sangelui,are un efect indirect in vindecarea eczemelor si altor boli de piele,cu rezultate bune in ateroscleroza.  3.  Patlagina.-Intern:in bronsite cronice,astm bronhic,diaree,ulcer gastro-duodenal,hipercolesterolemie si hipertensiune arteriala.Extern:ulcerul varicos,ulceratiilor cutanate,a conjuctivitelor,blefaritelor,laringitelor si traheitelor.  4.  Pelinul.-Intern:tratamentul gastritelor hipoacide,anorexie,edemelor renale,constipatii,in general in bolile manifestate prin retinerea apei in tesut.Extern:tratamentul hemoroizilor si in vaginitele atrofice.Prin bai sau comprese sant rapid ameliorate plagile purulente.  5.  Pinul.-Intern:in bronsite acute,traheite,pielite,cistite,uretrite.Extern:mugurii de pin se folosesc pentru bai cu actiune antiseptica si cicratizant.  6.  Pirul.-In dermatologie datorita proprietatile antimicrobiene,amelioreaza bolile de rinichi si vezica,este folosit in guta si reumatism,in bronsite raceli si gripa. 7.  Plamanarica.-In bronsite,laringite,afectiuni renale,reumatism,diaree,ulcer gastric si duodenal.  8.  Plopul negru.-Intern:in bronsite acute,afectiuni renale,antireumatic.Extern:,sub forma de uleiuri si alifii,mugurii de plop se folosesc la vindecarea ranilor provenite din arsuri,in hemoroizi sau ca antireumatic.  9.  Podbalul.-In bronsita ,tuse,raguseala,astm,emfizem pulmonar,silicoza.Frunza cruda se pune pe taieturi si abcese.  10.  Porumbarul.-Intern:datorita usor laxativa,diuretica si sedativa,de calmant,ca si in hipertensiunea arteriala.Fructele ,ca tonifiant al stomacului.Se recomanda ca dezintoxicant in uremie ,guta si artrita.Extern:mustul de fructe proaspete se foloseste pentru oprirea scurgerii sabngelui din nas.  11.  Porumbul.-In metrite,metroragii,colecistite cronice si metrite,influenteaza in bine unele boli de inima si obezitate,in tulburari circulatorii datorate afectiunilor cardio-vasculare.

Principalele plante medicinale cu litera P

 1.  Paducelul.-se folosesc florile,frunzele si fructele.  2.  Papadia.-se folosesc frunzele si radacina.  3.  Patlagina.-se folosesc frunzele.  4.  Pelinul.-se foloseste planta.  5.  Pinul.-se folosesc mugurii.  6.  Pirul.-se folosesc rizomii.  7.  Plamanarica.-se folosesc frunzele.  8.  Plopul negru.-se folosesc mugurii.  9.  Podbalul.-se folosesc florile si frunzele.  10.  Porumbarul.-se folosesc florile si fructele.  11.  Porumbul.-se foloseste matasea.

Principalele plante medicinale cu litera N si O

 1.  Nalba mare.-se folosesc radacina,frunzele si florile. 2.  Nucul.-se recomanda frunzele.  3.  Obligeana.-se folosesc rizomii.  4.  Odoleanul.-se folosesc rizomii si radacina.  5.  Osul iepurelui.-se foloseste radacina.



Utilizari terapeutice

1.  Macul de camp.-In bronsite acute,gripa,laringite acute,tuse.  2.  Macesul.-Intern se recomanda in avitaminoze,enterocolite,calculoza renala.tulburari de circulatieperiferica,antihelmintic.  3.  Maghiranul.-Intern:anorexie,balonari intestinale,colici gastrice,insomnie,gastrite hipoacide.Extern:sub forma de cataplasme caldute calmeaza colocile intestinale la copii.  4.  Merisorul.-Intern:guta,reumatism,cistite,pielite,diaree.  5.  Mesteacanul.-In edeme de natura cardiaca,reumatism articular,hipertensiune arteriala,nefrite cronice, hipercolesterolemie,guta,contribuie la eliminarea toxinelor din corp.Baile cu frunze de mesteacan intaresc radacina perului si influenteaza in bine iritatiile pielii.  6.  Murul.-Intern:in diaree,colite,gastroenterite,gingivite.Extern:in leucoree,fistule anale,gingivite.  7.  Muschiul de piatra.-Intern:in insuficienta pancreatica,bronsite,laringite,traheite,stari de voma la gravide,anorexie.  8.  Musetelul.-Intern se recomanda pentru tratamentul gastritelor,enterocolitelor,dismonoreelor,colicilor intestinale,diareei,infectiilor renale,astmului bronsic la copii si in boli ale ficatului.In raceli si gripa,ceaiul de musetel provoaca transpiratie,ceea ce face sa scada febra.Extern se utilizeaza in tratamentul unor eczeme zemurinde prin aplicarea peste ele a florilor.  9.  Mustarul alb.-In constipatie,anorexie.  10.  Mustarul negru.-Extern:in inflamatii ale articulatiilor,reumatism,gripe, bronsite,pneumonii,raceala.

Principalele plante medicinale cu litera M

1. Macul de camp.-se folosesc florile. 2. Macesul.-se folosesc fructele. 3. Maghiranul.-se foloseste planta. 4.-Merisorul.-se folosesc frunzele. 5. Mesteacanul.-se folosesc frunzele. 6. Murul.-se folosesc frunzele. 7. Muschiul de piatra.-se foloseste planta. 8. Musetelul.-se folosesc florile. 9. Mustarul alb.-se folosesc semintele. Mustarul negru.-se folosesc semintele.


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